sixteen and blessed

I turn sixteen today. And I am blessed.

Blessed by so much, but especially by people. People in my life who encourage me, who know my aspirations, who laugh with me, who pray for me, who share in my crazy adventures, and who show me the love of Christ, over and over again. As they live their everyday lives, they are shining their lights in a dark world. They are loving people with that light. Thank you for lighting up the past sixteen years, friends.

Ultimately, it is God who has blessed me, and I am sure that I will never know how much. I do know though, that He came to earth to die on the cross for me. That surpasses all else and is something I will never in a million years forget. Never stop being thankful for. I will never stop saying hosanna! to my Savior, who died for me to save me from my sins.

Today, I turn sixteen, and as I blow out the candles on my cake, I will remember the cost He payed. I will breathe thank you for the life He has already given me in the past sixteen years and the hope that I have for the years to come. I am extinguishing those lights, but there are some lights that cannot be turned out, because they are fed by the light of the Holy Spirit. I will whisper thank you for those lights in my life.

Every day and every light is a blessing, and I will say thank you, because I am blessed.


  1. love this. Happy birthday!!

  2. Amen, sister! I hope you have a wonderful birthday. :)

  3. Happy birthday Catrina. loved this post.

  4. Great thoughts. Happy birthday!

  5. You are a beautiful young lady, inside and out. Wonderful words of wisdom, sweet friend!


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