Packing, the End is in Sight
Yesterday eight friends blessed us with their help in emptying of the house of furniture. We rented a Uhaul and hauled it to the storage locker... It's pretty weird to think that all of our earthy possesions are in that 10x15 room. Well, not all of them, there's still a lot here waiting to be taken care of.
Last night we camped out on the floor on our camping and yoga mats. The last night in this house. The house we've lived in for more than twelve years. I feel like crying.
However, the end is in sight. We leave in only a little more than a week. Two weeks from now I'll be in Switzerland, meeting my cousin, seeing my grandparents lots (I doubt barely a day will pass the whole year when we do not see at least one of them), and living our Swiss lives. Now I feel like crying from happiness.
Before we can go though, we have a few more things to do. Some more packing, a little more shopping, and a lot more goodbyes. I said goodbye to one of my friends from church today, I cannot believe that it will be a year until I see him again. I felt like crying again.
And that's only one of the many more to come, I'm going to need a lot of shoulders to cry on.
I'll be praying for you, Marina. I know how you feel. And reading your post, it almost makes me cry. Be strong, lean on God and your friends. It won't always be easy but God is with you all the time. He knows exactly how you feel and He cares about you, more than anybody else could. Stay strong. I care about you.