a visit
This past weekend we were blessed with a visit from some friends. Two grandparents, two parents, and three kids. They're missionaries in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Well, the grandparents live in the States but the others are.). Mrs G went to college with my mom and then they were in each others' weddings. So now that we're all on the same continent, it was time to visit again.
The weekend was spent playing games...
...watching roses bloom...
...playing ping pong (never have I ever played so much in my life) ...
...eating raspberries...
...eating fresh salad from the garden....
...having the most exciting car on the street parked in front of our house, how often do you seen a Bosnian car in Switzerland?
...going for walks in the forest...
...throwing parachutes from the watch tower on top of the hill...
...and of course, wearing aviators on a cloudy day. One can always be hopeful.
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