don't forget to smile

Life has been hard lately. School, missing my friends, disappointment. But in the midst of all that God reminds me that He's still in charge and that His plan is perfect. He tells me to buck up and hold on. I may not like what he's doing right now but ultimately I know that His outcome will be best. The ways He tells me that are too numerous to count but right now it's in this little baby's smile. A face that smiles for the joy of smiling. So my word to you today is, when things aren't going your way and you feel lonely or let down, don't forget to smile.


  1. I've recently come to the same conclusion you have. God's in control. I don't know what my future will be like, but He does, so everything will turn out OK in the end. And yes, a smile is a magical thing :)

  2. sooo good, girl!

    i have been in china for almost two weeks and i'm missing Hubs something horrible fierce. God was reminding me tonight to just BE where He has me. i feel like i have to learn that lesson over and over and over.


  3. He is SOOOO cute! what's his name?

  4. this is so sweet. a smile always helps. i'm sorry things have been hard. hugs!

    i love your blog name... reminds me of c.s. lewis' writings and longing for heaven. LOVE it.

  5. I struggle with this too, but this post is exactly what I focus on when I'm going through rough times! Thank you for sharing!


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