i am thankful

It's the season when we Americans are inclined to be especially thankful. It is of course, a very good thing to be! And we shouldn't stop. But at the same time, we should remember to always be thankful and in everything. We don't have to listen to our culture to know when it's okay to thank God for what He's given us.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

This afternoon I had to get out of the house and I decided to give myself a challenge. A challenge to find things around my back yard that I could be thankful for, however big or small. So I grabbed my camera and headed out. 

It was cold but rays of sunlight warmed my face. The sun itself was sinking below the horizon, giving off a golden light. As fresh air filled my lungs I thanked God right then and there for my freedom to run outside and enjoy His creation. Some people don't get that privilege. 

As I walked around the yard, God reminded me to be grateful for even the simplest things. He showed me that I don't have to look hard to find blessings. So today, I am especially thankful for:

boots // a swing on which to sit and contemplate // gnomes in the field that make me smile every time // soil from which comes food // the orchard, now falling asleep, preparing another great harvest // dead leaves that tell me that they are departing this earth, but they'll leave behind hope for spring  // blue jeans // the sound the leaves make as my feet fly through them // sunsets that tell me that now is the time to sleep. tomorrow is another day. // trees that have already decorated themselves for the Christmas season // rough bark that protects it's smooth treasure // flowers that, despite the odds, still grow

And you know what? I'm really thankful to be alive. God has given me life and I am grateful. 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 

God Bless.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Lovely photos. :)

  2. oh beautiful. i especially love the first photo. i'm so thankful to be alive, too. : ) our God is so merciful to us!


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