Another year has rolled around and once again I find myself going back in my mind, mentally remembering what each month brought. It's been a year of lots of change, growing up, travels, friends - old and new - and daily adventures. I can say without a doubt that it's my favorite so far. So... a quick recap.

January saw us skiing in the mountains and playing in the snow that fell here, on home territory.

February took us to the Cailler chocolate factory and welcomed Spring early

In March two bunnies (now called Willoughby and Lady Jane. Turned out we got a boy and a girl - not two sisters.) 
and six chickens moved in to the shed. 
Our first visitor of the new year came and we loved on our cousin a ton. 
Not to be outdone by Spring, Summer came (really really) early too.

April brought me a dear friend and
saw us in Legoland, Salzburg and Venice.
We celebrated Easter with family and it was the first Easter of my memory that we were not freezing,
thanks to a beautiful Spring and late Easter.

May saw us living life, deeply immersed in soccer and ballet and contemplating the complexities of growing up.

The visit of friends, the end of school and many day trips are what June was constituted off.

 In July we enjoyed the freedom of summer
ate raspberries fresh off the bush, 
spent hours on the slipn' slide
got excited for our trip, 
played on the beach with cousins
and had the best barbecue of my life (really truly).

August saw running around madly to visit people,
relaxing on the island,
taking spontaneous (and worthwhile) trips to the pool,
going to the lake,
playing with our cousins,
and having good 'ole summery fun.

In September we welcomed new beginnings, started school
[I] started youth group at our church and we made many batches of pumpkin squares.

We brought October in with a youth group weekend. 
Throughout the month we took long rambles and reveled in Fall (October was the month of walks I tell you.).
I found another puzzle piece of my life.

In November I found a new dream, mission, love, what have you.
The whole family went on a church reteat to the Bernese Oberland which was one of the best weekends of my life.
I celebrated today.
We went to Rome.
Thanksgiving came around.
I turned 15.

December brought cookie baking, parties, Freiburg, adventures with friends (I like saying adventures so much more than outings or experiences, don't you? It sounds like whatever I'm doing is much more important than it actually is.), gift giving, and above all, the celebration of Jesus's birth.

I've grown and been stretched this year in ways and directions I didn't think possible. My head has a little more knowledge in it and my heart has a lot more love. This year has been amazing and I'm so very excited to see whats around the corner.

Here's to a wonderful 2012 full of family, love and adventures!

p.s. if you don't visit any other links, visit this one. and while I'm talking about our Washington travels, go visit the others from that trip too (July&August). they're some of my very favorite posts. summery, full of friends and so very... me.


  1. I love your review in pictures! I put one together as well and it amazes me how much went into a year. Your photography is fantastic. :)


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