bloom and grow.

"Imagine you're an apple tree. This past year you've been pruned and trimmed and trained up in the way you should go. This year you get to bloom and bear your fruit to bless those around you." The dear friend who told me this was putting these words into action, blessing me with her wisdom.

I don't mind saying it, last year was tough. The combination of moving, switching languages, changing from school at home to public... It tired us out and wore us thin. By the time Christmas vacation came around we were ready to just do nothing. In the spring, things were better. We'd gotten the hang of things and were less exhausted after being away from home all day. On top of that we started making connections at our church and began to feel as if we belonged.

Through all of that God was training me up, pruning and trimming me. I changed so much that year. It's always crazy to me to look back and see how far I've come. This year though, this year has been different. It's been more about settling in and spreading our roots. About blooming and blessing.

2012 is bringing a lot of change. A lot of choices and decisions. But it's also bringing new hopes and dreams and adventures. When I start to worry and fret about what lies ahead, I remember that God is always there for me, ready to pick me up and hold me tight against the flood. Despite the hardships this year will bring, there will also be times of joy and laughter. So despite my apprehension of how fast this world turns 'round, I know that I have the ultimate Creator as my best friend and that with His help I can bloom and grow to better love and serve those I love.


  1. girl, you did have a year full of big transitions! God is shaping you. i hope this next year is wonderful and full of His grace!

  2. Hey, I just ran across your blog and I think it's awesome! I love this post because it was very heart-felt and beautiful :)

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