Paris // part one

It's spring break around here and we headed to Paris. I'm a self proclaimed homebody, and traveling isn't my favorite thing on the planet. But like the millions of people before me, I fell in love with Paris. The big gardens, detailed buildings, many bridges, hundreds of cafes and bistros and of course the language. As opposed to the trips we've taken before, this time I fully understood what people were saying, and I loved it. Travel is so much nicer and more fun when you understand what people are saying. I loved the big river, it spoke to my ocean loving soul, the crazy weather; one minute warm and sunny and the next gray and rainy. I loved climbing the Eiffel Tower, my heart beating crazily at the height, strolling in the Luxembourg gardens, stepping into a bistro for an omelet. But mostly, I just loved it, and I can't wait to go back.


  1. This is so cool! I loved seeing just regular snapshots of Paris, as opposed to postcard style photos. Thanks for this :)

  2. My favorite shot is the yellow Forsythia with the Tour Eiffel in the blurry background. Great photo! Also the raindrops in the Seine. Wow. Thanks for sharing! We were in Paris in October and also had a great time! So much to see.

  3. AHHHH, AMAZING. The first six or so.... man, so good!

  4. Oh. My. Word. BEAUTIFUL!!! Your pictures are absolutely, positively gorgeous. <3 You are such a wonderful photographer. I still can't get over how amazing these pictures were.


  5. Amazing pictures! :-)

  6. the yellow flowers with the Eifel tower behind is my favorite picture I've ever seen. I'm serious. It was otherworldly!


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