it's november

November here means a myriad of school work as we anxiously await the holidays just around the corner. All those capital-lettered days at the bottom of the calendar are enticing us on. Thanksgiving, birthdays, Advent, Christmas, and those beautiful blank days of vacation call to us, encouraging us to just keep going. 

Lately, I've been:
listening to Holding On by Jamie Grace and If by House of Heroes
tasting the most delicious chocolate cakes. All sorts of melted goodness. More please.
feeling soft warm sweaters, soft warm scarves. Fall is cozy.
watching this scene from Tangled. best. scene. ever.
smelling dead leaves, pumpkin muffins, chicken soup, apple cider.

Steadily, we push through school, celebrating the little achievements. Reminding ourselves that even a little progress is good, and taking breaks for a game of Phase 10 or Risk. Thanksgiving break is greatly anticipated nonetheless. Vivement que ça soit les vacances!


  1. Hoot, Hoot for pumpkin muffins!! yes, school work is basically life right now. can't wait for thanksgiving brake!
    ps I agree with your bro, word problems are the worst. I always struggled with those.

  2. Chocolate cakes and apple cider. That all sounds lovely.

  3. Thanksgiving break, aah yes! Starts today! :)
    And I love Tangled! Can't wait for #2!



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