"Suppose we did our work like the snow. Quietly, quietly, leaving nothing out." -Wendell Berry

The sky too, knows that January is for cleanliness and fresh starts. It began its work two days ago, and has barely stopped for breath since. Ever so slowly, does it fall, but it works without rest and covers everything in its path. In a moment between school and cleaning (and for me--finals. So far, so good!), we ventured out into the white slippery world. More than once we talked about Narnia. I mean, who doesn't when they're walking through a wintry wood?
 "Here, let's run down this slippery road and see who can slide the farthest!" "Okay! You have such good ideas!" "That was at least five meters." "Oh, did you fall down again? Ouch!" "Haha, yeah. No problem though! I don't mind being wet and cold for the next hour!"
Here commenced much struggling with ropes and rings and such like things.
We're enjoying this winter wonderland.


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