"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only the first page," -St. Augustine

And as delicious and fulfilling as that first page may be, it's good to change sometimes, and read a little more. London was our page this spring, spring referring only to the calendar and not the season, as Europe has been hit with a bitterly cold front the past month. Despite the freezing temperatures, northeasterly winds, and snow, we rallied our courage, bundled up, and went exploring.

And do you know what? THEY SPEAK ENGLISH IN LONDON. What wonderful, civilized people.

Besides the English speaking factor, there are lots of other exciting things in London. The famed Tower of London and its long list of deaths, the graves and memorials of kings and queens and other famous folk, paintings upon paintings upon paintings hung in the National Gallery, buses that are actually red and have two decks, the Magna Carta and hundreds of other age old documents secreted away in the British Library, and, of course, the British Museum with its hold of ancient treasures. I should add, that they have less ancient treasures there too, but we just zipped in and out (sort of) through Egypt and Greece. Oh the beauties of free museums! The boys payed a visit the National Maritime museum which, when we went to go pick them up, actually looked rather fun and hands on, and I am told that the Victoria & Albert museum is also well worth the time, although I can only vouch for the gift shop (which is fabulous).

It was cold, but we spend good time people watching and eating fish and chips (gluten free!) and seeing Les Miz (!!!!!) Since then we (Well, some of us. Okay, so mostly me) have been singing singing singing.

We wrapped up the trip with a beautiful and glorious Easter morning service in the church down the road, which may or may not have included rolling chocolate Easter eggs down the aisle.

It was a good week.


  1. We adore Les Mis! Andy is reading it right now -- an abridged version.

    And the British Museum is one of my favorite places ever. Did you see the bog people?


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